Community Auditing

Princeton University's Community Auditing Program (CAP) enables members of the community, high school graduates ages 18 and above, to audit, University lectures as a "silent student" on a non-credit basis for $200 per course unless otherwise noted. Auditors must live in New Jersey or be within a 50-mile radius of Princeton University. On average, 125-150 classes are available each semester for auditing. No credit or certification is given for CAP classes. However, certified teachers currently working in New Jersey and Au Pairs may obtain written verification for classes they have audited.

Program Eligibility

  • All auditors must live within a 50-mile radius from the Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • All auditors must be a high school graduate, age 18 and above.

Program Rules

  • All auditors are required to register for classes through the CAP office.
  • Auditors may only attend classes that they are enrolled in. Those found attending a class they have not registered for will be suspended from the program for two full semesters beginning immediately. Inability to abide by this rule may lead to permanent prohibition from future participation in the Community Auditing Program.
  • Auditors may register for up to 3 University classes per semester. Auditor Only classes are not counted as University classes.
  • Auditors do not take exams, join labs or precepts, or participate in class. All communication about the program and/or classes must go through the CAP office. Auditors are not permitted to contact professors or departments directly. Those ignoring this policy will be suspended from the program for two full semesters beginning immediately.
  • Auditors may NOT bring guests to class.

Classroom Protocol

Community Auditing Program classes for the 2024-2025 semester will be held in-person.  

COVID-19 information: Masking is at the discretion of the professor.

Auditors may only attend classes they are registered for. Any Auditor found in a University building or classroom space not associated with their class will be permanently removed from the program.

  • The primary mission of the University is to serve as a preeminent educational and research institution for fully enrolled students. Thus, auditors are to be as unobtrusive as possible in the classroom and considerate of the fully enrolled students by doing the following:
    • Refrain from commenting or asking questions during the class;
    • Refrain from speaking or emailing the professor unless the professor initiates the communication;
    • Arrive to class on-time and refrain from exiting until the class has ended; and,
    • Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices before entering the classroom.
  • If you have a question for a professor, kindly forward it to [email protected] and we will contact the professor on your behalf.
  • Auditors are prohibited from recording, downloading, copying, or sharing information presented during class. All information is the property of the professor and Princeton University.
  • Opinions presented during lectures are subject to Chatham House Rules ( Identity and affiliation of the speaker may not be revealed on social media or in personal discussions.
  • Auditors who do not adhere to the above requirements will be asked to leave the program.

Questions? Please call (609) 258-0202 or send us an email by clicking email.

Important Dates

Course Registration - SPRING: January 22-24, 2025

Cancellation Deadline - SPRING: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 by 5:00 pm 

New Auditor Account Creation: closed until June 2025

New Auditor Activation Interviews: closed until June 2025