Submitting a Continuing Education Application

The application deadlines for 2024 - 2025 academic year are:

Fall Term 2025

  • Friday, May 9, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.
  • fall courses are posted on the Registrar's website

Spring Term 2025

  • Tuesday, November 12, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
  • spring courses will be available on the Registrar's website in November 

Application Checklist


  1. The online Continuing Education application includes biographical and educational information, your resume, a statement of academic purpose, and your proposed course selection. Test score submission is optional.
  2. Once you have completed your online application please submit the application fee. Your check should be made payable to Princeton University. Mail the fee to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, Princeton University, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, Princeton, NJ 08540, Attention: Continuing Education. 

The new student application fee is $50. The re-admission fee for returning students is $25. All fees are non-refundable and may be paid by cash or check. 


  1. Sealed official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work should be mailed to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, Princeton, NJ 08540. Electronic copies of transcripts will be accepted if they are sent from the institution of higher learning. They may be sent to [email protected]. Faxed copies are not accepted.
  2. The results of any standardized tests taken (SAT, TOEFL, ACT, CLEP, GRE) are optional, but not required for admittance.
  3. Submit two current letters of academic reference that comment in detail on the applicant's academic potential, along with a Letter of Recommendation Waiver for each reference. The applicant should complete the letter of recommendation waiver and send one copy to each person who will be writing a reference. References should be mailed to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, Princeton University, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, NJ 08540, Attention: Continuing Education. Faxed or emailed references are not accepted. 
  4. Full-time K-12 New Jersey teachers must submit a letter from their principal or superintendent confirming employment.

A brief interview with the director of the Program in Continuing Education may be required for first-time applicants to the program. You will be notified if an interview is necessary.

New Students

Complete the online application form. A paper form is available upon request. Mail your application fee of $50 to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, Princeton University, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, Princeton, NJ 08540.

Print and sign the letter_of_recommendation_waiver.pdf (PDF). Two typed current letters of academic reference are required along with a Letter of Recommendation Waiver for each reference. Print and complete two copies of the Letter of Recommendation Waiver. One signed waiver form should be sent to each person who will be writing your recommendation. The recommender should submit the waiver with their typed recommendation letter. Sealed references and waivers should be mailed to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, Princeton University, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, Princeton, NJ 08540, Attention: Continuing Education. We do not accept faxed or emailed references.

Returning Students

Complete the online readmission form. A paper form is available upon request.  Mail your application fee of $25 to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, Princeton University, 600 Alexander Road, Suite 1-1A, NJ 08540, Attention: Continuing Education.

Withdrawal Fee

Once a continuing education student has registered, there is a $50 withdrawal fee prior to the first day of classes. If a student withdraws after the first day of classes the refund is prorated; refer to the “Payment of Fees and Charges” section in the "Undergraduate Announcement" for details.

Course Selection

Class offerings are listed on the Registrar's website. To view a list of course offerings for the upcoming term visit the registrar's page. Employees must have their Supervisor's approval if they wish to register for more than one class in a given semester.

Language Placement Testing

In order to take a language course applicants must complete the language proficiency exam from the respective department. Language exams are administered on Canvas. For language placement examination dates please contact the individual language department.